Sex in Advertising Mind Control Video

Occult Symbolism in Advertising, Merchandise & Print:

Flick My NWO

Anyone for a "sexplosion"?


...I REALLY hope they're washing their hands over at Starbucks!

Laid by the Best

Seems normal at first glance...

Underage pregnancy is "OK"! (?)

..or you can go the other route.

Occult Symbolism: "OK"

Can You see it?

Is that a sex doll?

Miley Cyrus

Look closely at what he is holding.

Sears ad from the 70's

Hopefully, I won't have to point this one out., go smoke some ciggs kidz!


Time shows Bill Clinton's true nature

...Vogue loves you

Old Navy Ad rockin' the Horns.

Hard Rock Cafe


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