Lil ‘Luminati Weezy

Does His “On Fire” Video Mean Lil ‘Luminati Weezy Has A Luciferian Love Jones? « | Gossip for the Hardcore | Entertainment News | Music | Fashion | Black Celebrity | Music | Videos | Love and Relationships

Does His “On Fire” Video Mean Lil ‘Luminati Weezy Has A Luciferian Love Jones?

Posted on February 12th, 2010 - By Bossip Staff

It seems that Illuminati Hov is in good company because now new conspiracy theories have taken shape that claim Lil Wayne’s video for Rebirth’s first single “On Fire” is about occult initiation. Pop the hood…. if you dare
Lil Wayne’s new album is called Rebirth… Since one cannot physically be “reborn” during a lifetime, the term Rebirth almost always indicates a spiritual metamorphosis…
…Wayne’s Rebirth is a Satanic one. As simple as that. The “hot girl” Lil Wayne is describing is, in fact, the Devil himself. The juxtaposition of religious symbols with Lil Wayne’s encounter with this sexy temptress gives to the video a second layer of meaning: a spiritual one.
The video is based on the reversal of the classical paradigm of good vs. evil, making evil seem sexy, desirable and cool. Lil Wayne’s Rebirth seems to confirm Lil Wayne’s initiation into the industry’s dark side and “On Fire”is the initiation ritual. Here’s the video.

Right from the start of the video, the reversal of the good and evil paradigm is symbolically represented.The white rabbit in the hands of the Temptress becomes black. In other words, the white rabbit, the symbolic color of purity and innocence becomes black, the color traditionally associated with death and evil.
Lil Wayne, his new rock star persona, gets up from a couch and starts singing the praises of the Devil and describes its irresistible sexiness in his digitally auto-tuned voice… Lil Wayne compares this girl to the Devil and explains that she is “On Fire” because she is straight from Hell… The use of religious and biblical imagery throughout the video clearly conveys that this song is not about a woman, but a spiritual entity.
In the most symbolic scene of the video, Lil Wayne is approached by a Temptress, a sexy representation of the Devil, who offers him what looks like a glass of wine. The ritual is inspired by the Christian ritual of the Eucharist, where bread and wine (representing the Christ’s body and blood) are shared by Church members. Lil Wayne is however drinking the blood of the Devil in his initiatic rite.
The Temptress who gave Lil Wayne his wine glass is then shown with a skeleton face overlapping her own, further reinforcing this notion of “sexy but deadly evil”. Lil Wayne then “consummates” his relationship with the Devil. Submission to evil is depicted as something hot, sexy and desirable. This scene is intertwined with scenes of a snake, which, once again, hint to the real nature of the communion going on… The snake is considered by most Christians to be Satan in disguise who tricked Adam and Eve into disobeying God. The same way the Serpent of the Genesis convinced Eve to bite the apple, the Temptress convinced Lil Wayne to unite with her…
Lil Wayne’s “On Fire”is yet another tale of occult initiation, complete with a communion ritual. Although Lil Wayne has appeared in some occult-themed videos, “On Fire” is an “initiatic” video describing the true nature of his Rebirth. The video uses the same basic template found in other “Illuminati” videos, where the artist is approached, tempted and initiated by an evil entity. Director Chris Robinson used a very biblical approach, using symbols known by the masses and making it easily decipherable by the common man. In other words, the real meaning of the song is meant to be understood.
“On Fire” came out a little bit ago, but since The Rebirth just dropped last week and this analysis is so detailed we had to put it up. Do you guys think it’s on point? Is Weezy literally playing with fire using this kind of imagery? More images and video are posted below.
Click Here To Watch Behind The Scenes Footage


  1. the illuminati is everywere.people all counrtys mast prey to jesus to stop this


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