Celebrities Under Heavy Influence/Control

Celebrities Under Heavy Influence/Control

Posted on June 1, 2011 by


I found this information from a 2007 thread in Above Top Secret. The entire thread can be found here: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread261240/pg1.

The following are excerpts are from a poster named General Eyes who had started “waking up” from his programming, and described some of the military training from his youth as well as experiences in the entertainment industry. It is a lengthy read, but full of valuable inside information into micro and macro mind control.

I did not edit the content. All spelling errors and typos are those of the posters.

This entire subject has been the object of much of my therapy throughout the past seven years, and I know exactly where you’re coming from.

The entertainment industry is far reaching, widespread and extremely competent in finding people/children who fit their requirements for any given point in time in regards to the manipulation of mass consciouness.

How do I know this? I’ve been ankle deep in it myself.

I’ll spare you the backstory, but I’ve been in a couple of movies as well as being a musical performer (sans agent or manager) and there are strict codes of conduct and professional requirements that are demanded upon by anyone on-set–not just the main performers.

The ability to dissoociate (i.e. “get into character”) as well as being completely aware of every subtle action and nuance the main character performs is the difference between a lead role and a bit part in the background. I’m a background walker (extra) with no dreams of becoming famous – I’ve seen how handlers keep the reigns tightened on the majority of low end performers.

Are the current trends in pop culture the result of a GOVERNMENT agenda via brainwashing? I can’t say for sure. I was born a military kid and had to go through the entire testing process myself to see if I was a viable canidate for life long indoctrination – oddly enough, I was found to be suitable although I’m still not sure what it is I do. But I digress…

In the entertainment world – yes – they are looking for people who will “lose themselves” in a role…do exactly what is demanded of them and not question anything. We are diluged with substandard “models” right now preaching elevated scripts of sexuality and consumption.

Try gettting a serious artist to bend their will to such an agenda.

These media mogels know what they’re doing, they know how to find “what they’re looking for” and they know how to surround that person with people who continue to keep the delusional world going on en force around the performer in order to keep the illusion going as long as possible, for a far as possible.

Alter-egos? Simple. The “artist” needs to change dynamics in order to stay sane and keep his/her name in the spotlight and generate new attention from his or her fans, or open up new media markets.

The simple line of thinking behind todays performers is : If the public has controlled and shallow role models, they themselves will become shallow and easily controlled through emulation of said role models.

This applies primarily to the younger gnerations.

It’s long, drawn out and complicated – and forgive me for just waking up – but seeing as how this is a subject of massive interest with me – I’ll check back ASAP.


My opinions on it aren’t really that conspiratorial, since I’ve grown up with it – I know no other way fo life and I have to assume the other people in this “program” (whatever sector they might be operating in) are of the same opinion.

We’re conditioned to this way of life, and it’s hard to imagine any other way of living for me…but fortunately I’m not triggered very often these days given that I’ve dropped out of that side of the whole reality.

The reason I’m not fighting this as strongly as I porbably should it it got to a point where I basically had to tell the handlers to kiss my royal white behind – the majority of my programming is military in nature, and it didn’t sit well with the rest of the Monarch Slaves I’ve run into.

Indeed – the majority of them have been spoiled, self righteous and indignant brats with egos the size of antarctica and an over inflated sense of superiority over others – it’s actually quite sad. But they DO need to be monitiored and “handled” almost constantly or else things get messy in the real world around them very quickly.

I admit – I know very little of Tavistock - but I’ll get right on it. Once again, I can only speak of personal experience and interaction with people who fit the catagory of “slaves” you’ve previously mentioned.

And please, don’t be paranoid – I’m not “after anyone” and I have no agenda.


Any subject is open and up for grabs here, but just try to understand I am recently coming to light with my own “role” in this whole thing, so I might not be able to clarify much in regards to what I do with my primary programming.

On the issue of the entertainment industry, however – you’re right, It is part of a social engineering program. Civilians get the second rate programming via theatre and television – but it’s there.

As far as the brainwashing part is concerned – it’s kind of a misnomer. These children are tested and selected based on natural aptitudes and talents at an early age – and then simply guided the rest of their lives. Not everyone makes it – and a lot of them with lesser morals fall prey to the pornogaphy divisions. Fortuantely for them, that whole branch is being given massive approval these days so it’s no longer a verbotten and “seedy” thing anymore – it’s actually cool and hip to be in that department.

I study psychology, sociology and social trends – and I do see where they are trying to head with this whole mess – a world where people can pursue their desires free of guilt and outdated concpets of moral code.


Maybe we shouldn’t be focusing so much on the performers themselves – after all, that’s what the industry wants.

We should be looking more into the values and ideals that are being sold to us via the mediums of these performers – therein lies the real agenda.

Is it sinsiter? Not really – but I can understand how it might come off that way to a person with any reasonable amount of self worth and intelligence…but iin all actuality, it’s just finding ways to profit off the basic drives of human beings and keep them entertained.

There are a lot of people out there with no imaginations whatsoever, and providing them with a media starlet or tough boy archetype gives them a “map” of exploring parts of their own psyche they may not have been able to give voice to without an in your face hint.


Well – I know at first glance it seems hopeless, but most people grow out of these things when they get a heavy dose of the real world. Teenagers get their yah yahs out and learn the hard way how the world works once they enter into the workforce.

I agree, I don’t necessarily agree with the souless consumer ideology – but the majorityof people who buy into these trends to begin with aren’t exactly the stuff world leaders are made of.

It’s a delicate balance of power and human realtions – most people aren’t interested in the deeper meanigns of life – they just want to have a good time and experience things that distract them from the reality of their boring and mundane lives. Nothing is preventing any of these people from looking at alternatives or pursuing other paths – but the amchine is designed and engineered to profit heavily off the major consumer demographic – teenagers with no real sense of identiy, reality or community accountablity.

It’s a short run lifestyle, and it eventually burns out after a decade or so.


The USAF gave me IQ tests, social relation tests (was I a leader or follower), personality asessments, motor skills and coordination, object relations, insight, memory evaluation….the whole run down. I was four years of age when I was officially tested so I can’t go into any intensive detail about them. This was in 1977 – shortly before we were stationed overseas for the first time.

I was found to have a photographic memory. I didn’t go through any of the “conventional training” you hear about in case studies or when people “come forward” with their survivor stories. It was pretty benign.

I’ve tried bringing the subject up with my now retired father, but he refuses to discuss the matter with me. Flat out refuses.

The only thing I can say for sure is that I have always been “on the outside” of normal social relationships with my peer groups. In fact, I got bullied a lot in public schools for spending too much time “observing” others. It made them uncomfortbale for some reason.

Only recently have I begun to experience the “darker side” of the whole thing – I’ve gone for days without sleeping because of being triggered by some outside stimulus (I still cannot identify what it is or how it works) and end up walking around my neighborhood on “patrol” of sorts.

Whatever it is, it triggers a soldier mentality with in me, I have no fear and a heightened awareness that I’m there to protect the public sectors. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know.

I’ve been picked up by law enforcement and cannot communicate to them why I’m out wandering the streets in the middle of the night like an idiot, in fact – I cannot speak at all when I’m being accessed.

If I were living on base, things would make a hell of a lot more sense to me – the public sector doctors usually just write me off as a psychotic and give me injections that completely throw me into darkness before I wake up in a mental hospital for evaluation.

The last time this happened was in January of last year, and amazingly enough – a lot of the night staff who was working at the facility turned out to have done their time in the military as well. We hit it off famously.

What am I? An observer. I gather information and I get accessed and apparently blab my head off when knocked up on these drugs, relaying everything I’ve seen, heard, etc. Most of it wouldn’t make sense to the standard civilian anyway – my “alter ego” is apparently a real anti-social jerk and very adamant about not realying information to anyone other than proper authorities. I’ve had to apologise to several doctors about my rude behavior when in this unconscious state.

They won’t tell me what I discuss, they won’t allow my sessions to be recorded. I have no idea what information they are accessing when I get triggered and called in – or WHY I’m called in.

Hope that helps.


From dr_strangecraft:

I’ve spent a good deal of time researching the claims about Monarch. And I’ll tell you, I don’t accept the hypothesis at face value. I don’t believe there is a “grand conspiracy.” But I do believe in a de facto one.

I’m calling it artificial selection.

Basically, if you’re an agent, whom do you want as talent? You want a simple celebrity; one who cares about fancy cars, and getting loaded, and who isn’t very good at figuring out the percentages in his/her contract. So Tinseltown actively selects the idiots to be the most aggressively promoted. A “smart” celebrity demands more of the profits, and so is less lucrative. They also tend to fire managers and labels, and turn down scripts, etc. Also, the most naive stars will be very young. And they are the ones with the “hot body,” that will appeal most to the base instincts of other teenagers. I bet it’s a lot easier to be, say, lindsay lohan’s agent that to represent Al Pacino, for instance. Pacino can get anybody, he can turn down scripts, he has a secure position as long as he’s sucking wind. Some poptart in hot pants is desperate to “make it” before her body begins to sag.

Then you have the parents. Which stars seem the most likely ones, to have been “monarched?” (Yes, I made that up). Well, let’s see, Beyoncee and Christina Aguilara have been mentioned, as well with Jacko. Now, all three of them were shamelessly warped by their greedy/crazy parents, who were obsessed with having a “child-star.” Watching Fantazia a few dozen times when you’re stoned isn’t going to eff you up anywhere NEAR what Mathew Knowles, Shelley Fidler, or Joseph Jackson would do, to get you in front of a camera.

Just like that skater chic that got bonked in the knees, these kid stars have literally NO LIFE outside the studio/stage/film set. Their parents and siblings are orgasmic over the thought of how much loot they stand to inherit/borrow/steal/manage, and that will MESS YOU UP. Never getting to play with other kids, or flirt in study hall, or hang out at the mall. Having to be a robot performer day in and day out will make you nuttier than Monarch could ever hope for.

And despite what y’all have posted, most members of the “entourage” are childhood friends and family, who are given jobs as menial retainers, like the peasants hovering around medieval royalty. They are controlling all right. But only by ladeling on the praise, slathering the star in worshipful adulation: “you look So-o hot. You’re a genius. Eveyone cares what you think. And you are so-o-o sweet, for someone who has such a hard life. You should go into politics.” After years and years of this, your average sheltered, pampered child-star, lost in a haze of booze, oxycontin, and m & m’s, will do whatever is whispered into their ears.

It isn’t a secret global hierarchy, though. There’s no central planning, like some kind of secret KGB program. No, this is more capitalistic; it’s more like a hand of the card game “sweat,” where you can see everyone’s card but your own, and the people with the biggest ego rise to the top, and make off with all the money.

It isn’t Satanic. But it is deplorable.

all the best.


General Eyes in response to dr_strangecraft:

Dr. Strangecraft – well said, and well put.

I agree 100%.

The phenomenon of the “Movie Mom” is so widespread these days – it’s easy to see why so many kids willing to do anything to get on the screen will be taken advantage of by producers, directors and the whole industry.

After all, they want those sorts of “actors” these days.

“Don’t question the material – just read your lines and get the movie made.”


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