Youth and the Occult

Youth and the Occult

by Jason Barker 

As the next article shows, the occult is becoming an increasingly common component of television programs oriented towards youth. The increased exposure of witchcraft and other occultic practices is increasing the acceptance of these practices by youth as exciting, exotic alternatives to mainstream religion (particularly Christianity).

An informal study of local teenagers by the Lexington (Kentucky) Herald-Leader in 1997 showed that “Most said there’s a subculture at nearly every school that includes Anne Rice-influenced gothic kids, faux vampires and outcast kids who dabble in the occult. After all, in the Bible Belt, what could be more shocking than experimenting with witchcraft, vampirism or Satanism?”

1  The study concluded that most signs of teenage involvement in the occult (such as satanic symbols on book bag or bumper sticker) are merely a superficial sign of temporary rebellion against societal boundaries.
A small percentage of teens who show signs of occultic interests, however, become heavily involved in serious occultic practices.
2  The results of their involvement in the occult can be tragic.

Youth and the Occult: A Worst-Case Example

The study by the Herald-Leader was motivated by the murder of two people on November 25, 1996, by a vampire cult led by Kentucky teenager Rod Ferrell.
Ferrell claims that, as a young child, he was exposed to occult rituals and human sacrifices by his father and first stepfather.
3  More plausibly, Ferrell also claims to have been exposed to the occult and vampirism as a child through playing Dungeons & Dragons.
4  He began to engage in serious occultic practices following his mother’s second divorce, walking in cemeteries at night, cutting himself and offering his blood to others, and pretending to be a 500 year-old vampire named “Vesago.”
In addition to more typical acts of teenage rebellion (such as using drugs and avoiding school), Ferrell became involved in a role-playing game called Vampire: The Masquerade. Masquerade players physically engage in the actions of their characters, much like they would do if performing in a play, whereas traditional tabletop role-playing games involve dice, playing cards, and other components used by players to imagine the action being described.

Ferrell’s pretense at vampirism eventually led him into contact with a young man named Stephen Murphy, who led Ferrell towards “crossing over” and becoming a real vampire.
6  This friendship ended in 1996 after Murphy attacked Ferrell; shortly after, Ferrell’s mother was charged with soliciting a minor (Murphy’s 14 year-old brother), whom she begged to “‘cross her over’ and have her as his vampire bride.” 
During his friendship with Murphy, Ferrell began his friendships with Charity Lynn Keesee, Howard Scott Anderson, and Dana Cooper. These three constituted the members of Ferrell’s “vampire cult,” engaging in group sex and drinking blood as part of their vampire rituals.
8  The four youth allegedly killed Richard Wendorf and Naoma Queen at the behest of their daughter, Heather Wendorf, so that Heather could join the cult. The cult was captured in Baton Rouge, Lousiana, allegedly while travelling to New Orleans to meet Anne Rice.
Ferrell was sentenced to death for the murders of Wendorf and Queen. At his sentencing the judge described Ferrell as “a disturbed young man” who proves “there is genuine evil in the world.” 

“Mainstream” Occultic Activities for Youth


The above example is admittedly a worst-case scenario; few youth join vampire cults and murder their parents. By positing such a horrifying scenario as the extreme pole of occultic activity, with conservative Christianity (or at least opposition to occultic activity) marking the other pole, it is reasonable to consider where the “middle ground,” or most popular forms of occultism for youth, can be found. What are some of the more popular forms of occultism being marketed for youth?
“Gothic” Music and Dress
The Gothic (or Goth) movement started in 1981 at a London nightclub called “The Batcave.” Goth devotees, named after the medieval Gothic period, “were pale-faced, black-swathed, hair-sprayed nightdwellers, who worshiped imagery religious and sacrilegious, consumptive poets, and all things spooky.”
11  The movement reached the height of its popularity in Great Britain in the late 1980s, when such “pop-Goth” bands as the Cure and Depeche Mode created a synthesis of pop music and Goth-inspired attire, topping music charts and filling stadiums for their concerts.

The action-horror movie, The Crow (released in 1996), is an example of stereotypical Goth imagery: actor Brandon Lee wears black leather costumes, has long black hair and black eye shadow, and has his face painted a death-masque white. He frequented a dank, mausoleum-like abode (redolent of the haunts of the vampires in Anne Rice’s novels) lit with ornate candelabra and punctuated with religious iconography.
The Goth movement, while somewhat reduced in popularity, is still a thriving countercultural niche for many teens. In its most basic form, Goth is an expression of alienation from societal expectations. J. Gordon Melton explains, “The goth culture is made up of a lot of people who are wounded souls, who feel alienated in some way.” 
12  The attire, musical themes, and dĆ©cor are an expression of nihilism; Goths “celebrate the death of things like dreams and hope and humanity for our culture.”
As the Goth aesthetic has crept into the mainstream, it has divided into three cliques. The first and smallest clique are those described above, for whom Goth is essentially an existentialist statement. The second and most visible clique are those who have temporarily adopted Goth music and attire as a rebellion against the expectations of their parents and community leaders. The cynical cultural index, Alt.Culture, describes the orientation of these individuals by claiming that Goth provides “a highly stylized, almost glamorous, alternative to punk fashion for suburban rebels, as well as safe androgyny for boys.”
14  This is the market towards whom Marilyn Manson targets his act. Despite a “Marilyn Manson Awareness” training seminar being offered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, which claims that Manson and other Goth and pseudo-Goth adherents should be classified as gang members, police and school districts largely consider the “suburban rebel” clique of Goth to be innocuous.
It is the third clique that poses the greatest concern: the small number of Goths who, inspired by the imagery of religious decay they have adopted, begin to dabble in vampirism and the occult.



Melton identifies two groups of vampires who are involved in the Goth scene: “the metaphorical vampires, who adopt such trappings as sleeping in coffins, wearing fangs, and keeping nighttime jobs; and the ‘real’ vampires who drink blood and exhibit a psychosis. Many cross the lines of these groups, but almost all of them are adults with marginal incomes ‘who appear to be living out a fantasy world.’” 
16  The Los Angeles Times notes that the second group of vampires’ “lifestyle is beyond mere trend. They avoid the sun at all costs. Some drink blood and perform ritual magic. Most claim to possess psychic abilities. Some say they are tormented by wandering spirits.”
The line between “playing” at being a vampire and actually believing oneself to be a member of the undead is crossed less frequently than some alarmists claim. Nonetheless, youth with emotional problems occasionally cross that line. Community services director Helen Carter states, “A lot of kids will do this, and they're just playing, but other kids get into it and lose their sense of reality… It can be just one of those adolescent things. But if you get a kid who has emotional problems involved, it can be deadly.”
Rod Ferrell’s murderous vampire cult is an example of the danger of emotionally unstable youth dabbling in the occult. Carter claims that there are nine vampire cults in Arizona’s Paradise Valley. In most such groups a young adult is the leader, and followers are typically 14 to 18.
19  A group in Arizona is led by a 20 year-old named Angel, who promises his followers will receive eternal life and unimaginable power, and follows an occult book called The Book of Nod (which allegedly describes the first vampires).



One of the most notable practices being marketed to youth is witchcraft, or magic, frequently in the form of Wicca. The 1996 movie The Craft picked up on the trend, inaccurately presenting a coven of high school students who use magick to fulfill their personal desires.
Silver Ravenwolf, self-described as one of the foremost witches in the United States, accurately describes witchcraft as “an earth-centered religion focused on raising an individual’s spirituality. WitchCraft [sic] is not, nor was it ever, a vehicle for Satanic worship.” 
21  Affiliated with Goddess worship, witchcraft is an experiential religion in which rituals and the celebration of seasonal festivals are intended to enhance an individual’s self-awareness and increase the power that person has to influence her destiny without outside influence. Displaying the syncretism that is so much a part of current New Age and occult practices, Ravenwolf teaches that the techniques of witchcraft can be used in any religious tradition.
Witchcraft is on the rise among young people, particularly high school and college-age females. This author had a student in a technical writing class at a major state university who, for a semester project, developed a manual for the Wicca coven in which she was involved. This project was merely part of the trend of publishing books that market witchcraft to teens. For example, Inside a Witches’ Coven attempts to address the concern students seeking to find or join a coven, describing the beliefs, styles and customs that a witch may choose to consider.
The most significant new publication for youth is Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation by Silver Ravenwolf. Its colorful cover, with a painting depicting four adolescent females (and one male) provocatively posing in front of a full moon rising over a fog-shrouded grove, clearly is intended to attract its target audience (a free poster of the cover is available for purchasers “while supplies last” 
Showing the popularity of the book, Teen Witch was sold out in all but one of five major chain bookstores visited by the author while searching for a copy; he bought the last copy in the fifth store.
Ravenwolf is well aware that many parents, and particularly Christians, object to witchcraft. For this reason, the first section of the book is addressed to parents and claims (in bold print), “This is an okay book for your children to read. There’s nothing bad in here, and maybe the book will help you understand why WitchCraft is one of the fastest growing religions in America.” 
24  She further advises parents, “For pity’s sake, don’t ‘tell’ [your children] what religion is and is not. Let them discover spirituality for themselves.” 
What is it that teens are supposed to discover for themselves? In its own words, Teen Witch was written so that
Now, for the first time, [teens] can explore what it’s like to be a real Witch with a book written especially for you.

  • Find out how the Wiccan mysteries can enhance your life

  • Begin your journey with the Teen Seeker Ceremony

  • Combine common herbs from the supermarket to make your magickal formulas

  • Create your own sacred space

  • Read true stories of Wiccan teens

  • Work magick with real spells

  • Learn the Craft techniques for gaining love, money, health, protection, and wisdom

  • Discover how to talk to friends, parents, and other people about your involvement with WitchCraft.26

  • The contents of Teen Witch are clearly intended to appeal to disillusioned teens who “sense an aliveness or ‘presence’ in nature…They share the goal of living in harmony with nature, and they tend to view humanity’s ‘advancement’ and separation from nature as the prime source of alienation. They see ritual as a tool to end that alienation.”27
    Teens who read Teen Witch are thus hoping to learn how to manipulate natural forces to end their sense of loneliness and alienation from society and the world.

    The spells described in Teen Witch constitute a thorough inventory of the concerns of American teens. There are numerous spells for receiving money, a “Hot Wheels” spell for receiving a car, a “Crabby Teacher” spell, a spell for passing exams, a prayer for “Owl Wisdom” (divine assistance in planning for the future), a “Doodle Bug Love Spell” for raising self-esteem, a “Do You Like Me?” spell, a “Call Me” spell (as well as a “Don’t Call Me” spell), and even a “Little Bo Peep Spell to Find Lost Objects.”

    The book concludes with a plan for teens to win approval for their witchcraft from parents. Ravenwolf advises teens to link philosophical and theological difficulties to a need for the existence and practice of witchcraft. Knowing that some parents “won’t get past their fear” and accept witchcraft (she says that such parents “aren’t behaving in an adult manner”28),
    Ravenwolf tells the children of parents who “still won’t budge [to] pray. The Mother will hear you.”29


    How Widespread is the Problem?


    The involvement of American youth in the occult is, for lack of a better description, broad but shallow. In other words, occultic activity by teens has been observed across the country in such areas as Nashua, New Hampshire; Dallas; Burlington, Wisconsin; Salt Lake City; and Los Angeles. At the same time, it is only a small percentage of youth who are engaging in occultic practices; Ravenwolf states that teen witches will lose many of their friends, particularly Christians (she sarcastically describes these as “real winners”30).

    Goths (both the philosophical Goths, and those who use the movement as a springboard for occultism) register similar complaints.31
    Despite the relatively small number of youth currently involved in occultic activity, the growing movement should be a source of concern for Christians. The example of Rod Ferrell, or of an Arizona boy who wrote to his grandparents before committing suicide, “Dear Grandma and Grandpa, please forgive me but tonite [sic] is the night I give my life to Satan. I am going to sacrifice myself… God told me to skin you alive,”32

    show the potential dangers for youth who flirt with the occult.

    Satanism and the Occult Target Youth
    By David J. Stewart
    Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” —Philippians 2:5

           All the hordes of Hell are attacking the world's youth today. From Hollywood movies, to video games, to music, to what they're being taught in public schools—Satan has a bid for your child!
    Hollywood's acclamation of witches is proof positive in the multiple movies it has offered throughout the decades. More recently, in 1996, a movie entitled The Craft, starring Robbin Tunney, Fairuza Balk and Neve Campbell, stormed movie theatres. The movie depicted four young girls all eager in their pursuits of witchcraft. Full explanations about the invoking of demonic spirits as well as enactment's of rituals to summon spirit possession litter the movie. These witchcraft truisms were incorporated into the film as teaching tools for the unsuspecting public. Did it work? Raven Mounani, owner of the occult store, Raven's Flight, and herself a practicing witch credits The Craft with encouraging young women to explore the world of witchcraft. She states:

    "I get a lot of teenage girls in here. You can always tell when The Craft has been on TV cause we get a big influx of girls looking for supplies."
    SOURCE:; Hollywood's Witching Hour; by Jason Kovar
    There is no debate that teens are being targeted by the Devil's crowd, trying to recruit them to surrender their lives to Satan. Marilyn Manson even gives alter calls at the end of his concerts, calling Christians as*holes and ripping apart Bibles on stage. Tragically, Marilyn Manson has sold over 11,000,000 albums just in the United States. What kind of person would want to listen to Manson's hellish screaming and blasphemous lyrics over and over? In a word... TEENAGERS! But why? It's because Manson is a freak, an outcast, and troubled teens who come from struggling or broken families can relate to him.

    This is the exact reason why teenagers gravitate toward Satanism and the occult, where a person is accepted as they are without having to live up to a certain standard. The lowest degenerate in the world is readily accepted by witches, homosexuals and the rest of the wicked. You'll never find witches exposing the sin of homosexuality. You'll never find homosexuals exposing anything except themselves. It is Christianity which stands up against the wickedness of this world, in obedience to the Word of God which tells every believer to refute all works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). Evil is done under cover of darkness, to conceal it's mischief; but good works are done in the sunlight for all to see. The very word “ occult” means hidden, because their seeds are evil in the sight of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Satanism: The World of the Occult

    Russ Wise

    The Growing Problem

    The occult is on the rise; many young people are seeking their spiritual identity through Satanism.
    Satanism has become an issue of great concern in our society. It is a phenomena that crosses the city limits into the rural areas of our nation. Satanism is not just a big city problem. The news wires carry story after story about young children being kidnapped, only to be found later as victims of some bizarre ritualistic crime. To help us gain a balanced perspective of the subject, C. S. Lewis in his book Screwtape Letters, says this about Satan:
    There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe and to feel an unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.
    As satanic involvement among our youth increases, we begin to see the primary goal of such activity. It has become clear, according to the data thus far analyzed by those who investigate satanic involvement, that the primary goal is to alter people's values and turn them against themselves, their beliefs, family, God, and society.
    When we begin to take a close look at the occult, it becomes necessary to define terms. There is a great difference between cults and the occult. The term cult refers to a group of people polarized around one individual who is often a magnetic personality.

    This individual has his or her own understanding of truth, who God is, man's relationship to God, the existence of heaven and hell, as well as a number of other issues of faith. In most cases such individuals incorporate some degree of biblical truth into their teachings in order to gain a certain amount of credibility and in order to deceive the unwary.
    The term occult means "hidden" or those things or teachings that are "unknown" or secret. So, the occult is the seeking after knowledge of unknown information, knowledge that is gained beyond the five senses. Therefore, knowledge is received by some supernatural involvement or connection.
    Anton LaVey of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco, California, says that

    Satanism is a blatantly selfish, brutal religion. It is based on the belief that man is inherently a selfish, violent creature... that the earth will be ruled by those who fight to win.
    Satanism challenges the biblical teaching regarding man's relationship to others. We are to esteem others better than ourselves, and we are to be team players. In 1 Corinthians we read about being a part of the body of Christ, whereas, Satanism esteems the "self" over others.
    Young satanists believe that the strong will rule with Satan. Once they are sufficiently involved, they often make a pact with Satan.

    They commit themselves to a future date when they will take their own lives by suicide. They believe that if they submit themselves to Satan in death, they will come back in another life as a stronger being and rule with him forever. According to recent statistics, fourteen young people a day take their own lives. A major concern for those who uphold a Judeo-Christian world view is that this generation is becoming detached and is losing all sense of morality. Many have lost their mooring. It is imperative for the church, as a corporate body, and we as individuals, to share the message that Jesus Christ is the only possible solution to our emotional and spiritual needs.

    The Power that Entices

    Power has become an obsession with young satanists. It is sought after on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. According to one former occultist, the greatest lure into the occult is "power" and "knowledge." Not just corporate power but personal power. Gaining knowledge that others do not possess is another aspect of the occult. When an individuals have more knowledge it affords them a degree of power over those who do not have access to that knowledge.
    Likewise, Satanism offers its lure to the youth in our society. Drugs and sex have become the bait that so often ensnare the unsuspecting.
    With the increase of satanic activity, a profile of those involved in Satanism has emerged.

    They are generally from a white, middle to upper-middle class family. In most cases they are bright and do well in school; however, they are often bored and are not challenged to meet their full potential. They tend to have a low self-worth and are unable to distinguish between right and wrong because of their relative ethical system. They often have problems in the home and in relating to other people around them. They use drugs and are sexually promiscuous. It is a rare occasion when these last two elements are not present in the mix.
    Abuse, both physically and emotionally, is another aspect of this mix. Young satanists are often abused children who know no other way to relate to people. Some are a part of a multi- generational family involved in worshiping Satan as savior.
    Anton LaVey, Satanist High Priest of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco gives us a glimpse of how Satan is seen in his book The Satanic Bible:

    We hold Satan as a symbolic personal savior, who takes care of mundane, fleshly, carnal things.
    Satan has attempted to usurp the place of Christ in redeeming mankind. He has endeavored to establish himself as a god who is equal to or greater than Jehovah and in a sense render God ineffective. LaVey goes on to say that "God exists as a universal force, a balancing factor in nature, too impersonal to care one whit whether we live or die."
    Therefore, the Judeo-Christian God is inaccessible and has no compassion. Thus, Satan becomes the solution to man's deepest needs.
    Satanism leads one into bondage through mind control and fear, whereas Christianity allows the individual the freedom of choice. We have the opportunity to either accept God's free gift of life or reject Him and simply exist separate from God's love.

    Try the Spirits
    By David J. Stewart

           It is no coincidence that Harry Potter has been targeted at children, making its author J.K. Rowling a billionaire. Harry Potter desensitizes children to the evils of witchcraft. Though seemingly harmless, Harry Potter opens the door to the occult and witchcraft. 1st Samuel 15:23 likens rebellion with witchcraft. That is because witchcraft is rebellion against God, seeking power and guidance from a demonic spiritual source. Any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit is a familiar spirit (i.e., a demon). 1st John 4:1 tells believers to “try” (or test) the spirits, to see whether they be of God or Satan. There are many demonic spirits (influences) in society today... MANY!!! 1st John 4:1, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

    How do you test a spirit? Simply, with the Word of God. The Bible is God's Word. The only reliable Bible in the English-speaking language today that hasn't been corrupted is the inspired KING JAMES BIBLE. That's the only Bible I use, or ever will use. Satan knows that if he keeps publishing new Bibles that people won't be able to memorize Scriptures anymore. Why memorize a Bible that is going to change in a few years? I've never met anyone who could quote even small portions of a corrupt Bible word-for-word. But I know many believers, including myself, who can quote hundreds of Scriptures word perfect from the precious King James Bible, because I've used it my entire life since childhood.

    I encourage every young person to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES as Jesus commanded in John 5:39, and you'll see that witchcraft is demonic, as are Rock 'N' Roll, Walt Disney, Hollywood, and all the vile Pop and Country songs glamorizing adultery, drunkenness and immorality of every sort. God is still on His throne. Billy Sunday said: “If you want to drive the Devil out of the world, hit him with a cradle instead of a crutch.” Today's children are tomorrow's adults. If the Devil's crowd can INDOCTRINATE our youth with the homosexual agenda, hellivision, immoral Rock music, and the lies of Devilution, then Satan has their souls.
    Kids today don't stand a chance unless Christian parents train them up in the way they should go (Proverb 22:6). The Devil wants every teenager, and he starts out the day they're born trying to destroy them. By the age of 5, ninety-percent of a child's psychology is developed. This is why it's dangerous for parents to open the floodgate of demonic influences via television and music. A child left alone while its mother is too busy working a job isn't going to develop properly.

    Few people realize that everything happening today in America was carefully plotted, designed and carried out by evil criminals. Our nation didn't just go bankrupt. Our schools didn't just turn Godless. Our society didn't just become immoral. It's the evil influences (spirits) deliberately propagated through TV, talk shows, magazines, psuedo-education, books, music, and false religion. American society is absolutely saturated with demonic influences. People don't even flinch anymore about the evils of abortion, pornography, gambling, drunkenness, et cetera. Where will America's downward spiral end?

    Walt Disney has made The Jonas Brothers a household name. The 3 boy band from New Jersey has become a worldwide sensation. They are recognized for not drinking alcohol, nor taking any illegal drugs, and are allegedly committed to remain pure until they marry. Who would think that their song, KIDS OF THE FUTURE contains backward masking praising Satan, Satan, Satan! It's not surprising, for Walt Disney has a history of pedophilia and occult involvement. Nearly everything is a deception these days. Don't trust anything from the Devil's crowd. All of Satan's apples have worms. The Devil is a beautiful liar.
    Ecclesiastes 12:1, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.”

    If you search the Word of God, then you'll find quickly that God hates witchcraft and evil in its every form. God is a loving God; but He hates sin more than any human being could ever comprehend. I certainly wouldn't send anyone to Hell for all eternity; but God is just and hates sin so much that He will send the wicked to eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15; 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9). Ye must be born-again (John 3:3-7).

    Dozens of TV shows and products have been targeted at youth, from Sabrina the Witch, to Harry Potter, to W.I.T.C.H., to Charmed. Witchcraft is a sin (1st Samuel 15:23). God wants all Christian believers to hate evil (Psalm 97:10). The sinful world embraces sin and evil, but God wants His children to abhor sin and evil. We are not all God's children.
    The Word of God is THE TRUTH. There is a raging battle in the world today over information, whether it be in the secular or spiritual realm. Satan is a liar of liars. The mainstream newsmedia is packed full of highly paid liars. People have lied so much that it's now a staple of American culture. People break their marriage vows without any hesitation. Thank God for the faithful Christians still standing for God today, and there are many. But you won't find them in the music industry, nor on TV, nor being praised by millions of worldly fans. That's heathendom. I have more respect for Marylyn Manson than I do for phonies like Michael W. Smith, TobyMac, Rebecca St. James, Third Day, the News Boys, and Amy Grant. They're a bunch of sellouts who are afraid to raise a Christian flag, lest they lose most of their fans. The Bible tells us to seek praise from God, and not men. John 12:43, “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”

    The celebrities that you idolize won't be there when your life falls apart, your health fails, and Satan sifts you as wheat (Luke 22:31). Satan's will for your life is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). There's not a Satanist, occultist, nor child of the Devil on this earth who truly cares about you. But God cares (1st Peter 5:7). I'm sick and tired of all the worldly music that targets youth today, like Katy Perry's song and album, TEENAGE DREAM.

    Anton LaVey, who founded the Church of Satan, taught that Satanism is just doing your own thing, living life the way you want. That's what Satan wants too. Whether you live for Satan, or just live for yourself, either way you're not living for Jesus Christ. One of the high priests in the Church of Satan, Peter Gilmore, said that “America is absolutely a Satanic nation” ... because people are free to do whatever is right in their own eyes. As you read earlier in the article by Russ Wise, “The occult is on the rise; many young people are seeking their spiritual identity through Satanism.” The great need of our time is preaching preachers!

    1.  Barbara Isaacs, “Most Teens Don’t Cross the Line, Say Students,” Lexington Herald-Leader, April 13, 1997 [Online]. URL
    2.  Ibid.
    3.  “Vampire Cult Slaying Case,” Court TV [Online]. URL
    4.  Ibid.
    5.  Ibid.
    6.  Ibid.
    7.  Ibid.
    8.  Donald P. Baker, “‘Vampire’ Murderer is Sentenced to Death in Florida’s Electric Chair,” Houston Chronicle, February 27, 1998, A20.
    9.  “Vampire Cult Slaying Case,”
    10.  Baker, “‘Vampire’ Murderer is Sentenced to Death in Florida’s Electric Chair,” A20.
    11.  “Goth,” Alt.Culture [Online]. URL
    12.  David Tarrant, “Cape Town,” Dallas Morning-News, July 17, 1997, 1C.
    13.  Ibid.
    14.  “Goth,”
    15.  Chris Nelson, “Texas Schools Offer ‘Marilyn Manson Awareness’ Training,” Sonicnet Music News of the World, December 4, 1998 [Online]. URL
    16.  Victor Meija and Johnny Angel, “Return of the Vampires,” Los Angeles Times, n.d. [Online]. URL
    17.  Ibid.
    18.  “‘Gothic’ Teens Embrace Vampire Culture,” [Online]. URL
    19.  Ibid.
    20.  Ibid.
    21.  Silver Ravenwolf, “A Note to the Parents on Teen WitchCraft,” Llewellyn’s New Worlds of Mind & Spirit, October 1998, 2.
    22.  Ibid.
    23.  Llewellyn’s New Worlds of Mind & Spirit, October 1998, 5.
    24.  Silver Ravenwolf, Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation, St. Paul, Mn: Llewellyn, 1998, xiii.
    25.  Ibid.
    26.  Frontispiece, Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation, St. Paul, Mn: Llewellyn, 1998.
    27.  Margot Adler, quoted in Bob and Gretchen Passantino, When the Devil Dares Your Kids, Ann Arbor, Mi: Servant, 1991, 57.
    28.  Ravenwolf, Teen Witch, 231.
    29.  Ibid., 233.
    30.  Ravenwolf, Teen Witch, 233.
    31.  “Mall Gothics,” New Hampshire Weekly, n.d. [Online]. URL
    32.  “‘Gothic’ Teens Embrace Vampire Culture,” [Online]. URL


    1. i totally agree with you..we are living in the end times and everything around us has been demonized from music (even that which we thought was ok) to movies like BatMan (our childhood favorites)to cartoons and products in the super market. all these are full of occultist symbolism. the actors and musicians that we have long sang to their songs or followed their movie characters are no exception. this shows us that our role model should only be Christ...and we ought to hold on to the word of God.. my only prayer is that people would open their eyes and see what is happening. the Bible says that my children perish because of lack of knowledge and that is exactly what is happening. i fear mostly for the children.God help us....

    2. most people do not know this and am taking this opportunity to inform those who want to listen it really sad, that most of the things we think are good are from hell itself, please spread the information as far as you can

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